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Il mancato conferimento al trattamento ovvero il consenso, al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali per la finalit sopra indicata comporter limpossibilit di svolgere attivit di promozione in ambito marketing e di comunicazione commerciale via e-mail, oppure via telefono, in merito ai servizi prestati dal Titolare, anche per il tramite di partner. to be only used for the production of aggregated statistics and in relation to an individual website or mobile application, for third-party cookies, at least the fourth component of the address is masked out. Without these cookies, some operations could not be performed or would be more complex and/or less secure, such as home-banking activities (display of the bank statement, wire transfers, payment of bills, etc. MOMO steering wheel bolts, Nardi steering wheel bolts, horn button retaining rings, MOMO horn buttons, Nardi horn buttons, Moto-Lita horn buttons Shop By Price Price range: $0.00 - $13.00 The filter has been applied This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. (7 reviews) I cookie sono dati pseudonimi, ossia dati personali dove gli elementi identificativi sono stati sostituiti da altri elementi (quali stringhe di testo e numeri). - Rear axle steering pre-assembly table for Audi Q7/Q8, VW Touareg, Porsche Cayenne (PLC, HMI - TIA Portal v14); - Packaging module of the ZB-rear axle EVA1 assembly line for Mercedes EQ (PLC - SIMATIC v5.5, HMI - HMI PRO CS v7.03); - Wheel alignment machine for FAW-Volkswagen: toe and camber adjustment, If you aren't a Robot: What's 3 * 3? This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical cyber crimes to the detriment of the website or requests from the authorities. right to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing of data; right to withdraw the consent, where applicable (the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the withdrawal); and. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. I dati personali inoltre vengono pubblicati spontaneamente dagli utenti e il trattamento degli stessi da parte di Nardi Personal S.p.A. effettuato unicamente per finalit del servizio svolto. Nardi Classic Steering Wheel - Black Stitched Black Suede Grip with Black Coated Aluminum Spoke Model #NRD-6061-33-2081 $355.00 Buy Now Nardi Classic Steering Wheel - White Stitched Black Leather Grip with Black Coated Aluminum Spoke Model #NRD-6061-34-2001 In fact, Nardi Personal S.p.A. cannot be held liable for verbal continence, substantial continuity of the facts and the social relevance of the declarations made by the users. This spacer adapter will allow you to fit a Nardi or Personal steering wheel (6 hole x 74 mm PCD, 2 holes at the top) on a standard hub in 6x70 mm PCD. Ulteriori comunicazioni potranno essere rese note in un momento successivo, anche verbalmente. Detta Social Media Policy ha come finalit quella di descrivere le norme di condotta che gli utenti dovrebbero rispettare nellutilizzo del sito web e negli spazi attivati da Nardi Personal S.p.A. sulle piattaforme tecnologiche sociali. 3, ed agli artt. TheCookiescan be stored within the users device directly from the website that the latter is visiting (first-party site) or from a different website, so-called third party, as in every website there may be elements (i.e., images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) Specification of this ORIGINAL Nardi/Personal steering wheel: Width is 15 Dark mahogany wooden rim with ebony top ring. Nardi steering wheels with its masterpieces worldwide appreciated coniugates the past to the future. While designing his first steering wheels for racing cars, he considered this part as something more than just one of the driving controls, with plenty of attention focused on it. Per una pi specifica informazione circa quanto sopra indicato la invitiamo a visitare la sezione social policy del sito, allindirizzo web The provision of your data and consent to the processing for the purposes referred to in point 7 are completely optional. Free Shipping within Continental US - On Selected Items. Laccesso sar consentito alle sole persone autorizzate per iscritto al trattamento dei dati personali. I dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per laccertamento di responsabilit in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni del sito o di richieste da parte delle autorit. For the purposes referred to in numbers from 1 to 6, Nardi-Personal S.p.A. informs you that your data could be communicated to external subjects, designated in writing, if this is necessary to fulfill an obligation under the law, for the performance of obligations deriving from a contract of which you are/will be a part, as well as to fulfill, before the conclusion of the contract to your specific requests. MozillaFirefox:; 7, par. Time goes by, but a Nardi steering wheel remains a dream! Pursuant to Articles 6 and 7 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, as well as pursuant to the provisions of the measure no. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will 3-Spoke ND 4 Metal Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Nardi steering wheel creation is a vocation, born by Enrico Nardi's personality. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. These cookies are used to track the users online browsing and to create profiles on preferences, habits, choices, etc. Article 4, paragraph 1, of EU Regulation 2016/679 defines personal data as any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); it is considered identifiable the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical , physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity. 6 co. 1 lett. I dati personali raccolti per le finalit di cui ai punti da 1 a 6 del paragrafo C, saranno trattati per un arco di tempo non superiore al conseguimento delle finalit per le quali sono trattati e per i successivi dieci (10) anni per esigenze di legge. right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor). Fatta eccezione per i cookie tecnici strettamente necessari alla normale navigazione, il conferimento dei dati rimesso alla volont dellinteressato che decida di navigare sul sito dopo aver preso visione dellinformativa breve contenuta nellapposito banner. organismi di vigilanza, autorit giudiziarie, enti, professionisti, societ, pubbliche amministrazioni o altre strutture designate per lesecuzione di trattamenti connessi alladempimento degli obblighi amministrativi, contabili e gestionali legati allordinario svolgimento dellattivit economica del Titolare (obblighi legali); banche, istituti finanziari, liberi professionisti, studi professionali e consulenti ai quali la comunicazione dei suddetti dati si renda necessaria per lo svolgimento dellattivit del Titolare e, in particolare, in relazione allassolvimento degli obblighi contrattuali assunti nei confronti dellinteressato (obblighi contrattuali); diritto di ottenere la rettifica o la cancellazione degli stessi o la limitazione del trattamento; diritto di revocare il consenso, ove previsto (la revoca del consenso non pregiudica la liceit del trattamento basata sul consenso conferito prima della revoca); diritto di proporre reclamo allautorit di controllo (Garante Privacy). These are hand made wheels imported directly from Italy and the UK. Designed 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel with Center Pad by Nardi. Whether giving or not the consent on the cookie storage, it depends on if they are technical cookies or profiling cookies. Nardi Steering Wheel - Classic - 340mm (13.39 inches) - Black Leather with Grey Stitching and Black Anodized Spokes - Black Aluminum Ring - Part # 6061.34.2001 3 offers from $339.95 Nardi Steering Wheel - Classic - 390 mm (15.35 inches) - Wood with Polished Spokes - Part # 5061.39.3000 Wood steering wheel from Momo, Nardi, NRG and Personal Home Material Wood Wood We offer the finest wood steering wheels in the world from Nardi, MOMO, and Motolita. Per trattamento di dati personali deve intendersi qualsiasi operazione o insieme di operazioni, compiute con o senza lausilio di processi automatizzati e applicate a dati personali o insiemi di dati personali, come la raccolta, la registrazione, lorganizzazione, la strutturazione, la conservazione, ladattamento o la modifica, lestrazione, la consultazione, luso, la comunicazione mediante trasmissione, diffusione o qualsiasi altra forma di messa a disposizione, il raffronto o linterconnessione, la limitazione, la cancellazione o la distruzione. Le varie pagine/canali di Nardi Personal S.p.A. presenti sui vari Social Media, possono essere seguite liberamente da tutti gli utenti della rete, senza chiedere nessuna autorizzazione al Titolare; per questo motivo, Nardi Personal S.p.A., consiglia di esercitare cautela circa la diffusione di dati personali (e sensibili) quando si utilizzano dette piattaforme. Shop By Price Price range: $0.00 - $1,170.00 Price range: $1,170.00 - $2,065.00 The terms of use and the privacy policies applicable to each of these social media, published on the respective sites, regulate the information provided. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi 3-Spoke Deep Corn Series Steering Wheel by Nardi. They will be appropriately designated as Data Processors and will be involved in the fulfilments required by the existing legal relationship as well as by specific legal obligations. 5 product ratings - Nardi Steering Wheel Classic Wood Polished 390 mm New 5061.39.3000 Made in Italy. The personal data collected for the purposes referred to in points 1 to 6 of paragraph C, will be processed for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed and for the subsequent ten (10) years for legal requirements . Nardi Personal S.p.A. with Registered Office in Corso Venezia, 61 20121 Milano and Operational Headquarters in via Vittorio Veneto, n. 85 21049 Tradate Abbiate Guazzone (VA), Data Controller of your personal data refers you to this Social Media Policy. With a history that spans over 70 years, Nardi has been supplying their brand products not only to the world's leading automakers but also to racing enthusiasts worldwide. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this 3-Spoke Competition Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. Tax-Code: 03602650966 Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will last a 3-Spoke Steering Wheel by Nardi. Through the storage ofcookies,the user can customize the use of some website contents by saving their preferences. Senza il ricorso a tali cookie, alcune operazioni non potrebbero essere compiute o sarebbero pi complesse e meno sicure, come ad esempio le attivit di home-banking (visualizzazione dellestratto conto, bonifici, pagamento di bollette, ecc. Legal headquarter: Corso Venezia, 61 - 20121 (MI) ItalyOperative headquarter: Via Vittorio Veneto, 85 - 21049 Tradate (VA) Italy Phone :+39 0331.811118 / +39 0331.810970Fax: +39 0331.849460 Email: comm@nardi-personal.comPEC: nardi-personalspa@certimprese.itV.A.T. 317.99. NARDI Steering Wheels Give your car a classic touch! Nardi 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. 5.0 out of 5 stars. La presente informativa estesa sullutilizzo dei cookie (di seguito cookie policy) deve essere recepita avendo cura di aver letto, in un documento separato, linformativa privacy ex art. 21 of our Constitution . Nardi have a wide range of grip styles, wheel diameters and wheel thicknesses so you can find a steering wheel to suit your car's interior and also get that perfect balance of comfort, tactility and style. Nei canali sociali promossi Nardi Personal S.p.A. potr rimuovere commenti e post non pertinenti al tema del canale ma non solo: potr rimuovere messaggi e post ritenuti lesivi, discriminatori ed offensivi nei confronti della stessa o di altri utenti partecipanti o meno alla discussione. Nardi steering wheels encompass an ideal mix of advanced technology and high quality. The data subject can exercise the rights described above by sending an e-mail to the email address:, or by calling +39 0331 811 118. Nardi Personal S.p.A. recalls that the processing of users personal data on the so-called platforms Social Media is guaranteed to the extent that the user is aware of how he is using the platform, the service and its potential. di Social Network, in base allart. With Black Aluminum Ring. In relazione ai suddetti trattamenti il Titolare fornisce, tra laltro, le seguenti informazioni. Nardi 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel with Center Pad. Free shipping for many products! Lelenco aggiornato dei responsabili esterni del trattamento e delle persone autorizzate al trattamento custodito presso larchivio della Societ, presso la sede legale di via Vittorio Veneto, n. 85 21049 Tradate Abbiate Guazzone (VA). 02): 14 gennaio 2021, A- Data controller, data processor managers and persons authorized to process personal data. Oil pans for MASSEY FERGUSON agricultural machinery in Wrocaw, Wabrzych, Legnica, Jelenia Gra, Lubin for sale from leading European suppliers. Questi dati vengono utilizzati al solo fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sulluso del sito e per controllarne il corretto funzionamento e vengono cancellati immediatamente dopo lelaborazione. Le stesse saranno opportunamente designate Responsabili del trattamento dei dati personali e saranno coinvolte negli adempimenti richiesti dal rapporto giuridico in essere, nonch da specifici obblighi di legge. e finalizzate a migliorare il servizio offerto. The list of external data processor managers will be kept up-to-date and will be sent to the interested party upon specific request. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Non saranno tollerati insulti, turpiloqui, minacce o atteggiamenti che ledano la dignit personale, i diritti delle minoranze e dei minori, i principi di libert e uguaglianza. Con questi cookie possono essere trasmessi al dispositivo utente messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze gi manifestate dallo stesso utente nella navigazione online. 15 e ss. third party cookies) or passive (i.e. Furthermore, Cookies are pseudonymous data, i.e., personal data where the identification elements have been replaced by other elements (such as text strings and numbers): by crossing them with other information, it is possible to identify the person, or to identify the device used to access and to browse. To every driving style corresponds indeed a different functionality for the grip. Fax: +39 0331.849460, Email: comm@nardi-personal.comPEC:, V.A.T. Corporate capital: 400.000,00, Legal headquarter: Corso Venezia, 61 20121 (MI) Italy Various driving styles may require different steering wheel designs, and all of these superior products are made to provide the necessary grip. You can view your wishlist by creating or login account. The personal data contained in documents relevant for administrative-accounting purposes will in any case be kept in compliance with legal obligations. Nardi Steering Wheel - Classic - 330 mm (12.99 inch) - Black Leather - Black Spokes or White Spokes Nardi Steering Wheel - Deep Corn - 330 mm (12.99 inch) - Black Suede Leather Retail Price: $485.34 We are Europe's largest distributor of genuine Nardi Steering Wheels with next-day UK delivery plus the cheapest and fastest worldwide shipping options. In point 7 are completely optional mozillafirefox: https: // % 20e % %., habits, choices, etc machinery in Wrocaw, Wabrzych, Legnica, Jelenia Gra, for. You can view your wishlist by creating or login account this ORIGINAL Nardi/Personal Steering Wheel: is! Of some website contents by saving their preferences, Legnica, Jelenia Gra Lubin! Documents relevant for administrative-accounting purposes will in any case be kept in compliance with legal.! 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